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Mobile Applications

Your installation can be accessed from anywhere in the world with the LAHOCO mobile application. It is available for the following devices:

Web browser

Local access

Local access allows you to connect only with local users.

Discover LAHOCO's local address

To find out the local address of your LAHOCO, access its web page from a browser.

  • http://lah-core-AAAAAAAA.local (replacing AAAAAAAA with the serial number)

The default identifiers are user and 123456.

Please note: for security reasons, it is essential to deactivate the local user account in favour of another one that you have created yourself, or at least to change its password.

Remote access

Remote access allows you to connect only with myLAHOCO users.

Access your installation remotely from your Core management page:


Direct remote access is also available (replacing AAAAAAAA with the serial number):


Where can I find the serial number?

You will find the 8-digit serial number of your LAHOCO:

  1. Directly on your LCD or LCP device, S/N label

  2. In the "About" page on LAHOCO HOME

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